The average monthly net salary in Latvia is
10% earn less 1,526 USD
10% earns more 4,539 USD
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The displayed value presents total net salary in the whole Latvia. Salary amount is influenced by bonuses, regions and many other factors.

Description of job position

  • Strategy and Vision: Develop and communicate a clear product vision and strategy to the development team, stakeholders, and senior management.
  • Product Backlog Management: Create, prioritize, and manage the product backlog, ensuring that it is well-groomed, refined, and ready for development.
  • Requirement Gathering: Collaborate with stakeholders, customers, and users to understand their needs and gather requirements, translating them into clear user stories and acceptance criteria.
  • Agile Planning and Execution: Participate in agile ceremonies such as sprint planning, backlog grooming, and daily stand-ups, ensuring that the team is working efficiently and delivering value in each sprint.
  • Release Management: Coordinate and manage the release process, ensuring that product increments are delivered on time and meet quality standards.
  • Cross-functional Collaboration: Work closely with development teams, UX/UI designers, quality assurance, and other stakeholders to define and deliver high-quality products that align with business objectives.
  • Stakeholder Management: Engage and manage relationships with internal and external stakeholders, addressing their concerns, gathering feedback, and keeping them informed about the product's progress.
  • Product Documentation: Create and maintain product documentation, including user guides, release notes, and other relevant materials to support the product's adoption and usage.
  • Market and Competitive Analysis: Conduct market research and competitive analysis to identify trends, opportunities, and potential product enhancements that can give the organization a competitive edge.
  • Continuous Improvement: Actively seek feedback from users and stakeholders, monitor product performance and metrics, and identify areas for improvement, driving continuous product enhancements and optimization.

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Position: Product owner - Management

The job position is
in the salary ranking on

Women representation in position

Average age of respondent in position

452. place


Textile, Leather, Apparel Industry

Salary group 1

474 - 866 USD

27. place

Data scientist

Information Technology

Salary group 2

1,495 - 4,671 USD

26. place

Product owner


Salary group 2

1,526 - 4,539 USD

25. place

C++ Programmer

Information Technology

Salary group 2

1,706 - 4,403 USD

1. place


Transport, Haulage, Logistics

Salary group 3

1,461 - 9,658 USD

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Salary report for the company

118.80 EUR*

* incl. VAT / 99.00 EUR excl. VAT

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  • Salary on the position by region, education, work experience, company size, age group
  • Total renumeration and its components (variable part, commissions, rewards)
  • Distribution of respondents into salary ranges
  • Salary range expressed by the 1st decile, 1st quartile, median, 3rd quartile, 9th decile, and average wage
  • Detailed breakdown of all monitored non-financial benefits provided
  • Analysis of financial benefits